It seems that this is the real question that many are wondering, particularly those who attend church but don't study their Bibles. This is also a rant, in a way, from a pastor to those who come to church. Please don't take this personally.
We have heard and seen and sometimes read the story about Jesus' birth. How it was foretold in the Old Testament, brought to reality in the New Testament. The people involved were told by the angel, Gabriel, that this was going to happen to them. All of these Bible facts are there and available to read at any time. Yet, there are so many "blank stares" in congregations which seems to tell me that much of this information is doing exactly what our parents said: "It goes in one ear and right out the other, with no deposit in between."
If sermons and revivals and going to Bible school don't plant any of this so that you take it in and believe it, then what do you come to church for? The food and fellowship?
Jesus came because of the love that God has for ALL OF US! Yes, He came first for Israel but God knew before this that He would be rejected. We are always outside of the intended target audience, but when they refused to believe then we, as gentiles, were offered the "prize" from that point on.
What is that prize? The offer of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus and our belief in Him, that is the prize! It is a gift to us, one that we can't afford and can't pay for ourselves! But it is offered to us if we will believe in Him and ask for forgiveness from our sins. From that point, our only purpose is to tell others of His grace and love for them and that it is available to them too.
The scripture of John 3:17 says it best:

The world. Not just a few people from one country or nationality, but all of mankind are offered this salvation. Free for the asking, for those who seek it, for all of us who need it and that includes everyone everywhere. The Son of God didn't come to condemn us for not understanding the Word of God and He didn't come to do anything more than to offer us salvation. He healed some people of disease and ailments which only God could do, such as the man who was born blind. Why did Jesus do this? Because it was foretold that He would and because of their hard hearts, it was necessary to get their attention.
There are miraculous healing's being done today, but not as radical and unusual as some that He did. Some of them today are radical, like a tumor which goes away completely with no medical intervention. That kind of healing can only come from God and by the faith of those involved. We are loved by God and I can't give you a reason for it, except to say that He loves us because of Who He is!
Seek Him out, look for Him in the Bible, learn about Him through His Word. Even if you don't like to come to church, read His Word and ask Him to show Himself to you in it. He is there for all to find and know, all you need to do is seek Him out in it. His majesty is around you in the trees, the stars and the entirety of the universe but all of that is His creation, it is the Creator that you should worship and He is available to those who seek Him out!
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